Model of Saxmundham mill in newly opened museum

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windmills Model of Saxmundham mill in newly opened museum

Item: #300, Posted: 26/4/04
Saxmundham museum which opened earlier this month has a 1/32 scale model of Saxmundham post mill, recently built by John Goldsmith and his brother.

The mill was reputed to be the tallest post mill in Europe, until the buck was taken down in 1907. The last working owners were the Turner family, who also owned a shop in the High Street. Photos show the shop front advertising "Miller and Baker, Dealer in Corn, Chaff, Malt and Hops. Ilims smoked and dried". What are "ilims" - noone yet seems to know. If you know what they are, please let me know.

Update: [1/5/04] Thanks to John Goldsmith, I now have some photos of the model. Mills: [Saxmundham] Tags: [model]

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