Wandsworth windmill, London

Wandsworth #2606

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NGR: TQ268745

Map/aerial photo of the area around the mill

Common Mill: smock mill (drainage) - small mill, for pumping - no sails remaining
Signboard says:
The Windmill
Wandsworth Common
This is all that remains of a smock mill constructed in the 1830s by the London and South Western Railway Company to pump water from the cutting into a nearby lake known as the Black Sea. William Wilson, the founder of Prices Patent Candle Company, created a garden around the lake as part of his estate. The windmill stopped working in 1870 when the lake was filled in.
This sign was put here to mark the 20th anniversary of the
Wandsworth Society
Wandsworth, 8th April 2001

[Search Muggeridge Collection]

Entry in Mills Archive database - #2606

Wandsworth, windmill [2013-04-27] - HD

Mike Faherty

Plaque explaining the history of the Windmill on Wandsworth Common [2010-04-04]

tristan forward

Remains of a Windmill on Wandsworth Common [2010-04-04]

tristan forward

The Windmill, Windmill Road, Wandsworth. [2005-06-20]

Noel Foster

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